Sandrine Richard
Sandrine Richard practiced law at the Paris Bar formore than 10 years until September 1, 2021 before joining Cristal GroupInternational as Director of Business Ethics and Business Diplomacy untilDecember 31, 2022.
Sandrine Richard is a graduate of the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assas and of the Institut National des Hautes Études de laSécurité et la Justice (INHESJ), which was previously attached to the FrenchPrime Minister (Diploma in Business Protection and Economic Security).
She is also certified as an auditor and consultant atETHIC Intelligence (accredited auditor in Washington DC in anti-corruptionstandards ISO 37001 and 19600. It was conducted according to the methodologiesrequired for both American (ANAB) and French (COFRAC) accreditedcertifications.
She assists and trains public and private sectorcompanies in the implementation of anti-corruption standards in France andabroad in compliance with international law (FCPA, UKAB, OECD). It carries outcompliance diagnostics and strategic consulting missions for them.
She also provides training on the implementation ofthe Sapin II law for listed companies and their foreign subsidiaries (Carryingout a case-by-case mapping of corruption risks in accordance with point 3 of article17 of the Sapin II law and the recommendations of the French Anti-CorruptionAgency, implementation of Due Diligence procedures and third party control,etc.).
She is an expert and consultant to internationalorganizations. She speaks at international conferences on the fight againstcorruption.
Finally, she is in charge of the "Scientificintegrity and fight against scientific fraud" training at the Universityof Paris, she also intervenes at the University of Paris II Panthéon-Assasconcerning "industrial sovereignty and the RGPD" and finally at theINHESJ concerning the tools to fight against corruption.
She is co-rapporteur of the report on the Metaverseand Human Rights for Respect Zone and Head of Strategic Alliances.
She is also an expert on the Ethics of ArtificialIntelligence. She has participated in numerous conferences and will be speakingat the World Capital of AI, where decision-makers and AI innovators meet, wherethe most promising innovations and technologies get into the spotlight, wherethose who are currently building the world's most game-changing AI strategiesand use-cases will be on stages.
She is also a member of the Deepika IA Board.
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